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The Iranian Society of Islamic History
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:: Volume 1, Issue 41 (spring 2021) ::
islamhistory 2021, 1(41): 30-30 Back to browse issues page
The impressionability of the Persian Gulf northern shore urban architecture from peripheral regions in the Islamic period until 7th century
Seyyede Niloofar Bakhoda , Hassan Allahyari , Ali Rasooli
Abstract:   (1806 Views)
The architecture of the Persian Gulf northern shore cities is formed according to the dominant principles of Iran architecture. However; there are some differences. Cities of the Persian Gulf northern shores had relationships with big commercial cities in Asia and Africa through the sea. Thus, these cities were influenced by those regions in architecture. The main question of the article is how the architecture of the Persian Gulf northern shore cities was influenced by its peripheral regions in Asia and Africa? Using the descriptive-analytical method, findings of this research indicate that due to the commercial condition of the region in city architecture during the considered period of the research, the element of Bazaar and caravanserai has been dominant. Also, due to the climate similarity and broad commercial relationship of the Persian Gulf northern shore cities with the two regions of South and Southeast Asia and Zanzibar in East Africa was influenced by these regions in city architecture. These effects appear more in the widespread use of wood materials, especially teak and loop-root mangrove, and in the style and design of multi-storey buildings.
Keywords: Zanzibar, Teak, Siraf, Persian Gulf, Islamic architecture, City architecture. 
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/04/19 | Accepted: 2021/07/11

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Bakhoda S N, Allahyari H, Rasooli A. The impressionability of the Persian Gulf northern shore urban architecture from peripheral regions in the Islamic period until 7th century. islamhistory 2021; 1 (41) :30-30
URL: http://journal.isihistory.ir/article-1-1152-en.html

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Volume 1, Issue 41 (spring 2021) Back to browse issues page
پژوهش نامه تاریخ اسلام (فصلنامه انجمن ایرانی تاریخ اسلام) Quartely Research Journal of Islamic History
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