The Ghulāt during the era of Imam Ḥasan ʿAskarī (a.s.)
Ahmad Fallahzadeh |
Abstract: (395 Views) |
The 3rd Hijri century (AH) witnessed the rise and spread of various deviant sects, including the ghulāt (extremists) among the Shi'a. The phenomenon of ghulāt experienced a significant rise during the era of Imam Hasan ʿAskarī (a.s.). This article explores the reasons behind the proliferation of ghulāt activities in that period was mentioned and examines the Imam's approach in dealing with them. To achieve this, the present paper investigates the phenomenon of ghulū (exaggeration) during the era of the eleventh Imam and analyzes the methods employed by the Imam to combat it. The research utilizes a historical-Ḥadīth analysis based on the theory of the formation of sects to interpret library data. The findings of the study indicate that the spread of ghulū in the era of Imam ḤasanʿAskarī (a.s.), stemmed from multiple factors, including the disbelief of some Shi'as in the Imamate of Imam ḤasanʿAskarī (a.s.), the political instability of the Abbasid caliphate, the Abbasids' attempts to deviate the Imamiyyah, The impending occultation of the twelfth Imam. |
Article number: 2 |
Keywords: Imam ḤasanʿAskarī (a.s.), Occultation Period, The Ghulāt, ghulū. |
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Type of Study: Research |
Special Received: 2023/01/5 | Accepted: 2023/03/18